
Awakened from deep sleep

There are moments when we can be totally surprised, at such time we laugh and enjoy the moment, embracing the absurdity and the unlikely nature of the event. It can be a moment of awakening or inspiration. Of the two most recent such events, the first one had me compose a song for the first time in 10 years, I was particularly happy with such achievement, the song to me after re-listening was average at best, but accomplishment much more pleasing. The second has let me tell you about the first and bring this blog entry into existence. It had not been a conscious decision to stop writing entries or drawing sketches, all though admittedly my art has taken a different route of late, it has just slowly arrived the hibernation of this blog, so following literary inspiration from an out of know where, not so unrealistic source, but a seemingly improbable scenario, I feel obliged to myself now and to perhaps you the reader to not let what I have started fade away and die (that being this blog), which is also an easy option it seems for me, decided by at this moment by my strongly controlling non consciousness. So I re-awaken  this blog, and thank very much these two moments of wonderful surprise I have had of late.