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Why Technology won't work
Technology has no:
It doesn't reflect any care or have any heart, and has no love, or will ever replace the truly human qualities we posses and create in life, naturally on canvasses, on paper, with an instrument in time and space. Which can be unique emotional and careful. Technology is not instantaneous there is a process for everything, there’s no spontaneity or mistakes, or interesting unusual combinations created by chance. Everything has to be thought of before and created. The revolution is coming and its not in government / religion or any major idea its in need and demand for human originality and interest. George Orwell was onto it and so am I.
Justify Religion
Why do we try to always find a way to justify religion? For so many to feel this way must make this inherently a human characteristic. Notably an evolutionary or biological scientific reason underlies the actual understanding of religion. So the very ideas inherent to religion that contradict the laws of science, are those themselves existing and the system of religion, on the basis of science. Therefore perhaps religion is the feedback and allows us to question our science; a sort of natural checking and doubting feature.
A sickness that infects
Like the sickness that infects our minds, the waves of innocence that flood our thoughts full of errors and mistakes and false information not sorted or understood, we end up seeing things we should not like or want to believe in, we come to a point of disturbance. At this end we see the resounding belief that we cannot control what shall happen, but only try to comprehend the consequences of our inevitable actions. In the revelation of such frailty and and insignificance it is easy to devalue our existence in favour of an all encompassing overall plan, but such thoughts are the double vision of a clear-less non-analytical fool, intent on converting a noble but less autonomous and fragile population to a rule, series of orders, bound by devotion and bullshit, there has never been a more un worthy and serious crime on such a large number.
It is better if we make our own decisions with out anyone else's misguided and deliberately deceitful and unhelpful guidance, we should work out the answers ourselves to reach our own understanding of our minds place in this strange world.
How did we make the first right angle? How did we make the first wooden plank, flat and straight? With out these initial discoveries and more, we don’t arrive at a product like the houses of today. So everything we live in or use today has evolved from a primitive form, initial discovery and therefore we are tied/connected to history, even the very modern. Not even the most abstract creation of today can exist with out the history of before.
Ponder this when you create something original and new. Unfortunately your originality is limited more than you know.
To truly reach a state of originality, not influenced by previous pasts and history. We could invent an idea, but this idea would need to not be created by us or known to us, so we must not make the idea, but imagine that if we did make one what this could possibly be, this difficult situation would be represented by what we know and this would be imagined in our world images and ideas, but it is not to be associated with any of these ideas or images, we merely use them as a facsimile for pure construct, but the new things are non existent shapes. This imagined idea, would take the form of a world, and on it would shape our very original thought using the very things we wish there to be there, but can not vision, only are able to imagine the idea. Here our seeded idea and originality would take shape and be truly safe until the start of its very existence, as soon as we make the possibility of it in the world we have lost its originality, but we can at least say we put it into existence as original thought, it would not keep its originality as by making it we create the start of the history and then for all future it is the key, with all that arrives from this time onwards would be related to it.
Every day getting dressed, women and men, choose outfit to benefit others. Probability that some will like the outfit and others will not. Each person must take a chance every day they get it right because a series of possibilities later could result in spectacular rewards. Not saying that an error of clothing judgement one day will necessarily damage your later life possibilities and reality, but it might do. Never has choosing an outfit in the morning been so critical. The reality is if you spend an hour every day of your life getting your clothes right, this equates to about 2.5 years.
So you have to spend some time getting ready, if you can make it in 30 mins but still achieve the same results you could be spending 1 year 3 months more on eating breakfast and not skipping an important meal, unfortunately if this seems like an necessarily extra cost fear not (total for this would be £8581 based on if you eat on average a croissant and banana and some juice, 5478 meals, at £1.3 per meal considering croissant £0.5, banana £0.3, juice £0.5, accounting for inflation rate mean of historical 200 years of data 1800-2000, of 2.39%) because it depends on whether you intend to increase you daily calorie input. If we consider to keep calorie input the same by reducing eating quantity at lunch and dinner, having three balanced meals this way the cost of eating breakfast can in fact be seen as zero net increase in cost. So in this way there are no financial costs with taking a little breakfast and reducing your dressing time.
What if we say that every extra minute after 30 minutes gives you no extra chance of a positive reward for the time spent on getting dressed, and also having breakfast can put your mind into a mode of relaxation before you venture out into the visible world, there by giving your self conscious less to worry about, keeping any thoughts of your personal reflective vision in a distant world, where entrances into momentarily reflective reality are blocked by the current state you have occupied.
How much does your life mean to be overly worried about the dress / suit? If the log curve is dipping any way so does our preparation not dip and our mind wander? I am talking about efficiency here, I am not implying strict timekeeping measures. For sure one day you will be so nervous getting ready for your first date, have an interview, or that important dinner, that you should possibly consider taking a break, sitting down and taking that extra 30 minutes, certainly don’t have breakfast before a dinner, but the morning is still a good idea, certainly don’t fast all day. Come dinner all you’ll want to do is engorge in what I am sure you can imagine is not attractive or particularly sensible reward seeking fashion. Getting dressed in the evening for a second time in a day is not counted in my argument, but please understand that I am not against extra preparation sometimes. I am no fascist dresser, it is not a bad thing to spend your time, but it could be a hinderance in your life, even a disadvantage. Not to mention you could miss out on the biggest prize because your mind is not aware only your image to this world. In the end of the day (or should I say beginning) both your appearance and your state of the mind are important, but the later becomes more so in a world full of copiers and clones.
Do we matter?
I am waiting for a miracle to happen, but i’m not sure which way to look.
If I have no idea what it is going to be, and no idea from which direction it comes, then I may miss it all together. You can then say it never happened, it did not exist because no one witnessed it, but this is not true. For science to be correct it doesn’t have to be witnessed, even replicated or proved, but merely suggested in an assertive way and be backed up with lots of reason. If humans did not exist, would science not still continue?
Her gaze
I leave the place but will be coming back.
She looks at me with a gaze I’ve never seen before.
The complexion of face and colour of her eyes unspoilt.
What messages and meaning passed between us in that split moment?
I think that a gaze like this could last an infinite time. There is a split second of infinite possibilities. It’s like looking through a black hole and suddenly seeing where everything goes, the world behind this nothingness, and its beautiful as your mind can possibly imagine.
You pass through the eye journeying deeper on your quest. You’re searching as a bird migrates, in a general direction that you’re 100% certain of, its somewhere in this sea, this expanse of newness and vastness, a blinding light warmth absorbs through your every body and now your swimming. Ahead it is resting there ashore, the white beach approaches and for a split second you see a faint image walking through the surf, it’s you disappearing into the dense jungle. The waves lap the shore but you drift and float gently away, as stars sparkle and joy and energy feels all your senses. Suddenly speed pulls faster than you can resist and you know you were close to a magnificent discovery. Now you are desperate to find out what lives there undiscovered. Impatience and a burning passion fills your body in waves of chemically charged particles and vibrations. Was that you entering, a different person all together or just your imagination?
Not yet you tell yourself but not long before you will journey back. The gaze drops, time restarts, humanity the universe can breath again, cue the sighs. I smile. She smiles. Can I do it? She acknowledges that here is the possibility of a real champion, a suitor of consequence, a challenger, to take on the adventure and at last succeed.
Some people are like sponges. They can soak up the work / pressure, take it all in, and then deal with it. These people make good managers.
Some people are like hard dry chipboard. They don’t soak up pressure very well they end up just spraying it all over the place. A deep puddle becomes a shallow pond ⇰ which in turn becomes a kids swimming pool ⇰ eventually an infilled lake. These people end up throwing tantrums and loosing their cool over pointless insignificancies associated with heightened stress levels and anxiety all caused by the inability to juggle more than one thing at a time.
Relax and enjoy the few moments you live, for it is surely not worth all the hassle and stress.
The Wanderer
Wandering around semi aimlessly in Paris is quite special. I have just been going where my feet lead me. Sometimes I have a few destinations I have planned to see. How I get there or between these destinations is usually a mystery not mapped out until it happens. Despite sounding random, there is possibly a lot of logic involved in my unplanned route walking, the parameters of what these are may be slightly complicated and I certainly shan’t bother to try and work them out, because its too much fun just to go where I feel like going.
I have not seen all, by any means, but have covered some fair yards so far. I do not cycle, for fear of missing too much, and also I don’t have a bike. Even when walking it is easy to pass shops and places with out fully taking in every little detail. I don’t know whether I am bothered by detail, but I definitely struggle to compute at a fast enough pace to keep up with my amble.
I will not go to any of the major tourist attractions on my wanderings, in order to be able to happily accompany foreign guests when they make it to this wonderful city, and indeed if thats what they so wish to do when they arrive. I shall visit some museums if the spring showers arrive, but the outlook is good so far, so they may have to wait. Its definitely warming up now and I feel the sun starting to lift up my spirits after a long and cold winter.
Left Unsaid
What’s more interesting, what is said, or what is left unsaid? Not a game but a puzzle. Intrigue fascinates, but when it is said it is no longer interesting, it is past, it is history. It remains for a while but can be lost. It can be eternally remembered but it may often be the place, time or moment that is remembered for more than its worth. I think it depends on the individual. The more communication the better we understand each other, but if we lie down and don’t mention a thing, instead just think, is that not more powerful than the words we may utter mixed in partial meaning or falsity, confusion comes more often in writing and words than it comes from our body language and ideas forming in our heads. Left unsaid, they can go un-missed and actions forgotten leave gaps in the results we wish to achieve, but actions speak greater than words.
Presence transcends emotional communication.
Thoughts can, if left unsaid, power the emotive actions required to fill the silence of a moment.
Perspective, from all angles, a complete image, painted as one whole, can come to life in front of ones very own eyes.
Tooth pain clueless
So they pulled four of my wisdom teeth out of my jaw on Tuesday. The pain was bearable before with pills, afterwards it was really painful. What I couldn’t understand was a little sign next to my bed which categorized pain. The worst pain ‘excruciating’ was 5 and the least pain, slight pain was 1. Part of the sign read that if you were in pain you should call the nurse and tell her what level of pain you were feeling. The medicine’s and I guess the solution was then provided accordingly. However a few things bother me about this. Firstly you’re self diagnosing yourself, what happens if you cheat because you want the strong drugs because they make you feel good, and you are not feeling any real pain. Or the other possibility where you could be in pain and misdiagnose yourself and not get enough medicine. This second point, on how do know which pain category you are in. For me this was not an easy question. Maybe for you its obvious when you’re in excruciating pain, extreme pain, terrible pain, mild pain, just slight pain. The first thing I think about is how can I know the difference between mild and slight pain if I don’t know what the worst pain is, excruciating pain. I believe therefore I have to know the limits to know the middle ground.
I guess pain is felt differently. For some people their awareness is much greater than others, and pain is a hugely important part of their lives, at least the pain management, avoidance or mitigation. For others and in some bizarre cases, pain is neither a worry or even felt. I guess every one feels emotional pain in some way, or maybe there is an example / outlier which freakily also this strange pain is not prevalent in.
I should like to understand everyones pain on a threshold scale, base units, so I have a universal constant base line to reflect too, but I know this would be hard even anti-humanitarian. People differences genetically and mentally are what keep us interested in life, and pain usually bad has a major part to play.
New years eve
I didn't plan this, to have such a great time, in fact most New Years Eve parties I have been to are pretty pathetic and boring. I was pleasantly surprised this year, not to have a good time, but to be invited to start with. I guess it was always going to be expected that moving to a new place I would know no one, however all you need to know is one person, and I had only met this person once before for a few hours. I guess now I understand how a little gesture can have such a profound meaning. I didn't make any new friends during the evening, I spoke to many people and had a really good time, I think they all did too and I certainly didn't do myself any harm. Bring on 2011. Maybe there will be another party or I'll have the chance to meet them again soon.
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