Every day getting dressed, women and men, choose outfit to benefit others. Probability that some will like the outfit and others will not. Each person must take a chance every day they get it right because a series of possibilities later could result in spectacular rewards. Not saying that an error of clothing judgement one day will necessarily damage your later life possibilities and reality, but it might do. Never has choosing an outfit in the morning been so critical. The reality is if you spend an hour every day of your life getting your clothes right, this equates to about 2.5 years.
So you have to spend some time getting ready, if you can make it in 30 mins but still achieve the same results you could be spending 1 year 3 months more on eating breakfast and not skipping an important meal, unfortunately if this seems like an necessarily extra cost fear not (total for this would be £8581 based on if you eat on average a croissant and banana and some juice, 5478 meals, at £1.3 per meal considering croissant £0.5, banana £0.3, juice £0.5, accounting for inflation rate mean of historical 200 years of data 1800-2000, of 2.39%) because it depends on whether you intend to increase you daily calorie input. If we consider to keep calorie input the same by reducing eating quantity at lunch and dinner, having three balanced meals this way the cost of eating breakfast can in fact be seen as zero net increase in cost. So in this way there are no financial costs with taking a little breakfast and reducing your dressing time.
What if we say that every extra minute after 30 minutes gives you no extra chance of a positive reward for the time spent on getting dressed, and also having breakfast can put your mind into a mode of relaxation before you venture out into the visible world, there by giving your self conscious less to worry about, keeping any thoughts of your personal reflective vision in a distant world, where entrances into momentarily reflective reality are blocked by the current state you have occupied.
How much does your life mean to be overly worried about the dress / suit? If the log curve is dipping any way so does our preparation not dip and our mind wander? I am talking about efficiency here, I am not implying strict timekeeping measures. For sure one day you will be so nervous getting ready for your first date, have an interview, or that important dinner, that you should possibly consider taking a break, sitting down and taking that extra 30 minutes, certainly don’t have breakfast before a dinner, but the morning is still a good idea, certainly don’t fast all day. Come dinner all you’ll want to do is engorge in what I am sure you can imagine is not attractive or particularly sensible reward seeking fashion. Getting dressed in the evening for a second time in a day is not counted in my argument, but please understand that I am not against extra preparation sometimes. I am no fascist dresser, it is not a bad thing to spend your time, but it could be a hinderance in your life, even a disadvantage. Not to mention you could miss out on the biggest prize because your mind is not aware only your image to this world. In the end of the day (or should I say beginning) both your appearance and your state of the mind are important, but the later becomes more so in a world full of copiers and clones.
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